Website re-launch

Website re-launch

Hello and welcome to SM-Tours 2.0 – my website collecting Simple Minds tour memorabilia from the past more than 40 years.

I created this website in 2012 and was online for 6 years but in the past few years it wasn’t available. First of all I had technical difficulties as the old site was running on Joomla and it was pretty difficult to update it with new items. And I didn’t have much time so one day when Joomla was really out of date, it disappeared.

I’ve planned to make a new, updated version since then, but I never had enough time for that. Due to the lockdown caused by the coronavirus I had some extra time to work on the new website which is running on WordPress, so you can expect updates much more often then on the first version of the website.

Many of the items on this website are from my personal collection but about 60 percent came from my archives of images saved in the past 20 years from eBay, several websites and fan forums, and also some came from other collectors. I tried to indicate everyone but it is possible that I missed someone, so if you think I used your photo, please contact me and I’ll happily include your name.

Last but not least I would like to say thank you for the following people for helping me creating this website: @iamgergo for technical support, Stuart Holland, Giù Lu, Marta Sterlig, Thomas Larsen, Massimo Babini, Erwin, Lionello, Steph Petty, Ged Grimes, Hrvoje Mavra, Paola Marocco, Michael Pilmer, Simon Cornwell, Paul Halfacre, Annelore Brantegem… and first all my beautiful and lovely wife for her continuous love, support and patience.

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