Acoustic 2016
7th April 2016
Zermatt Unplugged, Switzerland

Acoustic 2016
7th April 2016
Zermatt Unplugged, Switzerland

Acoustic 2016
7th April 2016
Zermatt Unplugged, Switzerland

Acoustic 2016
7th April 2016
Zermatt Unplugged, Switzerland

Acoustic 2016
1st October 2016
Stadio Montevidoni, Italy
Promoters of this festival announced Simple Minds as a performer but the band didn’t know about it. Shortly after they were removed from the list of performers.

Acoustic 2016
3rd October 2016
Stadio S. Vito Marulla, Cosenza, Italy
An Italian promoter company announced this Simple Minds concert but the band didn’t know about it. Shortly after all press releases were removed.

Acoustic 2016
29th October 2016
Zermatt Unplugged, Switzerland

Acoustic 2016
29th October 2016
Zermatt Unplugged, Switzerland

Acoustic 2016
29th October 2016
Zermatt Unplugged, Switzerland

Acoustic 2016
10th November 2016
Hackney Empire, London, UK